Pink Pistols: Got You Covered

In the wake of the terror attack in Orlando, KHOW radio host Ross Kaminsky mentioned the Pink Pistols, an LGBT self-defense organization. Their intent is defensive, to equip people to defend themselves from those who hate; to let haters know someone might be there to defend against them.

We find common ground in that we believe that life is worth defending and that no one has the right to steal it. All lives matter.

All lives matter.

To many, murder is only theoretical. It is real to me. My beautiful cousin was murdered. It has been over thirty years, and we all still miss her. The world lost a real treasure at the hands of a stalker who strangled her. Weapons aren’t the problem. Human will to take life is. Demonizing the weapon lets the murderer escape responsibility for his choice.

The Pink Pistols choose to defend against those who choose violence against their community.

In this, we should follow their gentle, courageous example. Until recently, I’ve been a non-gun owner friendly to the second amendment. It’s time for me to learn, too. Evil people will always exist. Sometimes they will become violent. I’d like to be ready and able to stop them–non-violently if possible. But the theft of lives, of the joy and potential of each individual, is simply too awful to allow.

To those whose families and friends will always grieve in the wake of the Orlando Pulse Club massacre, please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Words simply can’t express your loss or my sympathy for all you are enduring.